Rae Leaver Rahman

Writer & Grants Manager

Rae joined the board in November 2020.

Rae Leaver Rahman is a writer and grants manager working in Bedfordshire. She has previously worked in Luton as the Heritage Project and Partnerships officer at the University of Bedfordshire, working on the National Lottery Heritage Fund project Heritage Impact Accelerator, as Programme Coordinator of the Hat Factory Arts Centre, part of the Hat District project by the Culture Trust Luton, and as Project Administrator for the University of Bedfordshire's TestBeds project, part of the Luton Investment Programme. In 2019 The Culture Trust Luton commissioned Tangled Feet to create #FactoryReset to celebrate and relaunch The Hat Factory Arts Centre after a period of closure for redevelopment, and Rae led on that relationship. She is passionate about representation and community access to cultural activity, and works across art forms to support grassroots artists develop their practice.

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Jan 12th 2024

Q + A with Nathan Curry: Belongings

Nathan Curry, Director of Belongings shares a Q+A about the process, content and why you should come and watch it (without any #spoilers) Full tour dates here

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    Tangled Feet, the masters of physical theatre”

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  • inspiring, engaging… beautifully evocative.”

    inspiring, engaging… beautifully evocative.”

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