The Mindfulness Project in Schools

The Mindfulness Project by Tangled Feet launched in 2019 in schools and colleges across Luton. 


Participants are led through a series of activities that include yoga, storytelling, mindfulness exercises and drama to encourage exploration of their creativity. 


It is designed to create time to uncover and express student's thoughts and feelings and provides opportunities to take time to understand that all our minds get a bit stuck sometimes, children and adults alike. 


Participants will learn techniques to manage stress and will develop their confidence and communication skills.


Primary schools – KS1

Secondary schools and colleges – KS5


Who for: 

Students living with/at risk of living with feelings of anxiety or isolation


The Project:

Tangled Feet (TF) will deliver a ten week 'Mindfulness and Wellbeing through Theatre' project for up to 20 pupils in your school setting. Participants will be students at important transition stages (Year 1 groups, Year 12 groups) and will be experiencing issues with confidence and anxiety that are impacting negatively on their mental health, and subsequently, their in-school achievements.


Request an info pack:


“The project from Tangled Feet, we feel, has had a huge impact on the students involved

with many saying that they felt ‘energised’ ‘motivated’ and ‘more positive’ after each session.

We would wish for such a project to be rolled out among more students and possibly

 staff as well in the future”

Shelley Blackbird, Head of Sixth Form, Cardinal Newman School, Luton

 (project delivered to Year 12 students)



The Mindfulness Project: One Off Workshops

Stretch, breathe, focus and relax with Mindfulness experts Tangled Feet.

The Mindfulness Project can be booked as a one off workshop(s) suitable for festivals or events.


In these sessions, the same techniques are taught and the aim is the same, for children to play games, learn yoga poses, learn techniques to manage stress and develop their confidence and communication skills whilst having lots of fun. 


Download an information sheet here



The Mindfulness Project at Home

Created in Lockdown 2020

Click on the links below to see the list of activities plus all the Mindfulness videos on YouTube including 'How to build a paper boat' and 'Storm Jar':


10 Mini Mindfulness Activites


The Mindfulness Project on YouTube


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