
Tangled Feet have taken up artistic residency in schools, colleges, town halls, museums, local parks and libraries...

Our residencies have lasted anything from a day to four months. We work with partners and participants to create the production and process they imagine in the place where they live, work or play.


Read about out latest residency in Cumbria here 


Get in touch to discuss how we can come and be in-residence with you. 

What it's like to have us in residence

“It's been an incredible week in so many ways and we have been reminded again that the only constant in life is change. Sometimes, changes can seem threatening and destabilising, but they can also be incredibly moving and liberating. Art can be a tremendous challenge and consolation and I found all of the performances of All That Is Solid gave me lots to think about. Most importantly, they made me feel something profound and true. ”- Jon Nicholls, Head of Arts College, Thomas Tallis School -
“I really didn't want this week to end. I personally think I learned much more than could have been anticipated and only wish this had happened sooner in Tallis. It was challenging and hard work the whole week but really rewarding. I think everyone involved would agree it was a great thing to happen in the school and should create a window for more people to want to do similar things”- Student, Year 13 -
“What an amazing experience for the audience but more importantly for the students. Such immersive experiences are vital for a small rural school where geography and funds limit access to mainstream art and culture. It may sound unlikely that eight days can make such a difference to children’s lives but such a unique experience which takes them out of their comfort zone and plunges them into a different world alongside other students they may not have socialised with or thought they had anything in common with can be truly transformative.”- Parent -

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  • inspiring, engaging… beautifully evocative.”

    inspiring, engaging… beautifully evocative.”

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