
One to One and Group Work

A large part of our participatory programme responds to the ever-growing need to address mental health in our communities. We believe that playing, devising, creative expression and storytelling can play a vital part in supporting young people facing challenging circumstances.


Tangled Feet Feet currently deliver weekly dramatherapy sessions (both one-to-one and group sessions) to the following targeted client groups:

Looked after children

Young carers

Emotional based school refusers

Young people not in education or employment

Young people who have witnessed domestic violence in their family

Care leavers

Young people at risk of expulsion from school or young people attending pupil referral units.


Get in touch with Tangled Feet's Dramatherapist Alex Ramsden to discuss this element of our work in more detail: dramatherapy@tangledfeet.com



Animation created by Al Orange

Why its important

“This work is very valuable as young people are often not able to communicate with parents in the same way that they do in these sessions which are more relaxed. It gives young people the opportunity to meet with and interact with others in a similar situation to themselves in a safe and secure setting, which maybe not be available at school or anywhere else. ”- Parent -
“I have found that she could keep her feelings hidden when she felt overwhelmed by my illness… she is now a very confident young lady and Dramatherapy has helped her with her young carer role.”- Parent -

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