Apr. 13th 2016

Life on Tour. A la Sarah (aka Ella)

What do you get when you have an orange van - driven by an Orange, a bag of pink feathers, some aching muscles and some sweaty costumes? Need a Little Help on tour of course.

Although the glamour of touring life soon wears off there are many a high points - like the charming stuck-in-the-80's b&b in Darlington, the van banter (not Sophie though, she is a cheater and even though she is in the back I can see her and her wikipedia searching phone), tea club pre bed - invite only - and all the lovely staff and tech teams at each venue... and of course the show! Well it's a joy - we may be tired and travel worn and forgetting if we've already done this bit or not today but the audiences - well the kids mainly - have been incredible. Every show is different, the children engaged and excited to help and each show there are new exclamations, revelations and inspiring comments from the little people. It's a privilege to be invited into their world for a while and their, and the adults feedback, has been so touching and makes me see even more the importance of this piece.



Best bed: Without a doubt with Mary in Newcastle.
Worst bed: The soulless rooms of the Travel Lodge.
Best meal: Mexican in Brighton - we got free Nacho's
Worst meal: General lack of green fresh things.

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