Dec. 4th 2018

National Lottery #ThanksToYou

On Wednesday 12 December, Tangled Feet are offering a FREE workshop for Bedfordshire based Drama teachers.


As part of the Arts Council’s #thankstoyou programme Tanged Feet are saying a big THANK YOU to teachers in Bedfordshire and offering some free professional development, theatre training and fun times as we share how Tangled Feet work. 

If you work as a Drama teacher in a Bedfordshire secondary school and are a National Lottery player you can gain access to the working style of Tangled Feet theatre company in a 90 minute workshop. Tangled Feet are one of hundreds of participating National Lottery funded organisations across the UK saying ‘thanks’ to people who have raised money for good causes by buying a lottery ticket.


The idea is simple: On Wednesday 12 December at 4 - 5.30pm, come along to Cardinal Newman Catholic School to join colleagues in a workshop led by Nathan Curry, Co-Director  and Emily Eversden, Participation Director of Tangled Feet.


Tangled Feet is a theatre ensemble and a charity.  We create original, visually stunning, transformative performances, sometimes inside theatres but often in other public spaces. We create atmospheres and experiences for the audience which are thrilling, surprising and memorable, which always feel 'live' and in the moment, where the unique reality of this audience, in this moment, right here is acknowledged and celebrated.


For more information, please email Emily Eversden, Participation Director, Tangled Feet at

The National Lottery

National Lottery players raise, on average, £30 million each week for projects all over the country. In total £38 billion has been raised for Good Causes since The National Lottery began in 1994 and more than 535,000 individual grants have been made across the UK, the majority (70 per cent) of which are for £10,000 or less, helping small projects make a big difference in their community!


Arts Council England

Arts Council England champions, develops and invests in artistic and cultural experiences that enrich people's lives. We support a range of activities across the country - from theatre to digital art, reading to dance, music to literature, and crafts to collections. Great art and culture inspires us, brings us together and teaches us about ourselves and the world around us. In short, it makes life better. @ace_national #NationalLottery


Terms and Conditions

-One National Lottery Ticket free entry to workshop for one participant

-All National Lottery games qualify for free entry workshop (including both National Lottery Draw- based games and National Lottery Scratch Cards). Proof of puchase can be either a hardcopy ticket or a digital ticket

-The offer is valid from Wed Dec 12th 4pm-5.30pm at Cardinal Newman School, Luton

-Tangled Feet has the right to refuse entry in the unlikely event of the venue reaching capacity as well as other circumstances outside of its control

-The promoter is Tangled Feet

-In the event of queires on the day the manager's decision is final


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